What can I say about these family pictures with the Golden Gate Bridge? I always love the chance to get out of town, especially when it involves the ocean. Something about the water is so grounding! This session felt like we had the whole place to ourselves. This time of year is truly the best time for pictures in the Bay Area as well. You just can’t beat that feeling when the sun clears out the fog!

Every one of these family members had such a fun personality, and it shone through in the photos! I especially love when I can capture kids just being kids, whatever that may look like.

I also had the chance to get a little artsy. With an iconic backdrop like the Golden Gate Bridge, it’s hard not to!

Then, it was little sister’s turn to get in on the action. I adored seeing her twirl around in the waves and love on her mom and dad.

Finally, Mom and Dad had a few moments of alone time to get in front of the camera.

This family is always so much fun to capture! Plus, it really is hard to beat this location.

Looking through this gallery made me want to go right back! Who’s ready for some family photos on the beach? Book a session today!