I think I could safely wager that the California State Capitol is one of top five most popular spots for a family photography session in Sacramento. It has such a large variety of backdrops from its big granite steps to perfectly manicured lawns and gardens.
This fun family was so wonderful to work with — I just loved how willing they were to let their fun-loving individual personalities shine through in their pictures. These steps are the perfect place to start, with the boy’s sliding down the railings.

They begged to have their picture taken high up on this ENORMOUS tree branch. In the end, it was one of my favorite shots.

The results of playing a game of “see who can lean on each other harder”. Ha!

Can you see the dome of the Capitol building in the background?

It was all cuddles on the grassy lawn that afternoon.

At the end of the day, it was clear to me that this family just really, truly enjoys one another. They are each other’s best friend. Who could ask for more than that?