I’ve been photographing this family for several years now and when Renée told me she was pregnant with her third baby, I was genuinely thrilled! In my humble opinion, Renée is one of those people who is just meant to be a mom. She is so FULL of love, generosity and warmth and simply one of the nicest (and funniest) people I have had the fortune to meet. Watching her kids unfold into their own (also very funny) personalities has been such a joy and I look forward to meeting her newest little boy.

Little Miss M is such a character and I always feel like we are best friends when I’m taking her picture. She’s super shy in front of the camera. Can’t you tell???

And here’s her brother, who we all love to call “Moose” (I totally feel like I’m in the inner circle because I get to call him that!). He’s definitely not short on smiles either!

If they handed out awesome family awards, these folks would definitely be on my nomination list. Love you guys!!