I think I just made up the term “Sunset Meadow” but I think it fits for this set of family pictures…. he he. Last July, I went to Montana for a photography retreat and came back with about a zillion photos that I had taken. As I was sorting through them, I found this set of images that just “got me” and I thought I’d share them with you.
And by the way, if you’ve never been to Montana…well, just go…that’s all there is to it. It’s like there’s a little bit of magic around every corner and the skies really are bigger there. I half expected to find fairies living in the trees!
These pictures were taken at the BEAUTIFUL home of Teresa of Meadowbrook Farm. She is a mother, interior designer, chef, gardening maven, photographer — and now a good friend. If you want to see more, go check out her amazing blog.
My heart melts over this one…

The sunset light…mmm, delicious.

Beautiful sister smiles.

The paper boat didn’t go too far, but it was fun while it lasted!

Those big brown eyes! Too sweet!

Love the intense looks on their faces as they spot something in the grass. Oh, Montana adventure!

We’ve been busy little bees here as we head into our most popular time of the year for family pictures. The calendar is filling up quickly and there are only a limited number of spots available, so if you’d like to reserve a session, give me a ring.
– Jill