For those of you who are my loyal readers, you know this about me already, but one of my favorite things about my work is discovering people. When I first started at this job, I admit, I would expect people to act or carry themselves a certain way just because of where they lived or how old they were…but I was quickly disabused of that early on. The people I work with and photograph have taught me a beautiful life lesson: to have no expectations, to discover individuals for who they are and to celebrate the beauty in that.
This family was a treasure to discover. The moment they opened their front door and introduced themselves to me, I got to walk into their world, into their home and share, if only for a few moments, the love and tenderness that they all share with one another.
I thought I’d share a few with their bright pops of color…

And a few black and whites…I’m nearly overwhelmed by the tenderness of Mom and Dad with sweet Allison. Makes my own little heart do a flip.
And a fun little question for everyone who read down to the bottom of the post: Which of these images do you prefer? Color or black and white?
Until next time,