When Mom walked in with an armful of pretty outfits and dresses for her daughter’s cake smash portrait party in the studio, I was thrilled. Until I saw this dress…

And I was over the moon! Make sure you look at the design on the dress very closely! It’s covered in Boston Terriers! This mom knows me too well. Lol

See that sweet little hat she’s got on? Mom ordered one from Etsy, but it didn’t come in time, so she made it herself. Oh, no big deal, just making hats like a pro the night before the photo-shoot! Wow!

Little Miss “A” didn’t need much to get started. One little taste and…

Cake smash mission accomplished!

And this is what the end looked like. Ha!

If you’d like to reserve a cake smash session in our studio for your child’s first birthday, give us a call at 916-933-8352 or email us at info@jillcarmel.com today!
*Beautiful cake lovingly crafted by Sweetologie.