Reason #453 why I love in-home sessions: when it’s over 100 degrees, it will always be cool inside. But in all seriousness, your home is the place you’ve chosen to spend most of your time with the people who matter the most. I love photographing your family this way because you are in your favorite space.
This was one of my very first sessions after returning from the pandemic shut-down last year. We managed to get a full set of beautiful pictures without me getting closer than six feet. It can be a challenge, but it’s worth it to not have to miss this special moment!

Puppy kisses are the best kind.

What’s even better are their genuine smiles and laughs after the puppy lick!

Dad’s turn for puppy kisses.

What you don’t see here is the behind-the-scenes work it took to get sister to get on the beg and smile. Lol I’m glad dad was so willing to fly her around over and over again!

Unfiltered joy.

Just the sweetest big sister checking in on her baby brother.

These tiny hands.

Love this beautiful family. Thanks for welcoming me into your home. Now, who’s up for an in-home session?